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A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!
A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!

A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!

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A Symphony of BAVIAANSKLOOF Biodiversity!


Agama atra – Southern rock agama



Longhorn Beetle sp. Ceroplesis ferrugator



Sandy Burrower (Opistophthalmus granifrons)


Batozonellus fuliginosus wasp



Palpares caffer – Mottled veld antlion


Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria)


Solifuge Red Roman Baardskeerder



Solifuge Red Roman Baardskeerder


Solifuge Red Roman Baardskeerder


Twig mantis (Popa sp.)



Plain Pygmy Thicktail (Pseudolychus ochraseus)



Water scorpion (Nepidae)

Black and Yellow Mud Dauber (Sceliphron caementarium)


Stump Stabber

(Megarhyssa macrurus)


Cape honey bee (Apis melifera)


Common garden cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus)



Mionmantis sp


Bark antlion (Centroclisis sp.)


Meadow white (Pontia helice)



Emperor dragonfly (Anax imperator)


Order Spirostreptida (Common Millipedes)



Order Spirostreptida (Common Millipedes)



Great Black Wasp -- Sphex pennsylvanicus


Mason wasp (Symmorphus family)


Red driver ant (Dorylus sp)



Woolly chafer (Sparrmania sp.)


Woolly chafer (Sparrmania sp.)


Rustyfluff rhino beetle (Kirprellius species)


African Bollworm/Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera)



Common Tree Cricket (Order Orthoptera)

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